Something new is in the air.

We do things a little differently around here.

Our vision

We’re working toward a world where:

  • Everyone has high financial literacy.
  • Everyone has accurate and up-to-date information about their resources, expenses, and cash flow.
  • Everyone has money management tools and advice appropriate to their needs, and that grow with them as their needs change.
  • Financial data is owned by individuals and not used to their disadvantage by institutions with an asymmetric information, economic, or educational advantage.
  • Families have transparency and alignment around their financial status and their goals, and money conversations are easy.
  • People are able to make and use money in a way that is aligned with their values and goals.

Our purpose

To do our part to build toward that vision:

Snowpack empowers individuals, partners, and families to make smart decisions in alignment with their values and goals, using complete, accurate, and up-to-date financial information that they own and control.

B Corp status

We incorporated as a public benefit corporation, and intend to apply for B Corp certification after we launch. We believe that business can be a powerful force for positive change in the world, and we intend to lead by example.

The specific public benefits identified in our corporate charter are to:

  • create technology that empowers our customers to make sound financial decisions and reach their financial goals, regardless of their current net worth or circumstances.
  • affirm that our customers own their financial data and put them firmly in control of it by always being honest, transparent, and clear about how their data is used or shared, asking permission to use or share it, and allowing them to easily monitor such usage and revoke permissions at any time.
  • benefit the environment by publicly reporting on our carbon emissions, reducing our net emissions to zero or below, and shifting our energy usage to carbon-free sources as quickly as possible.

We'll hold ourselves accountable to these commitments through regular public reports published to this website.

But you're a business, right?

Of course. But we've seen the misaligned incentives between financial technology companies and their customers, so we've decided to do things differently.

Profits are a critical sign of a healthy business, and how we earn the right to continue operating. However, there are many ways to build a sustainable business, and we're not going to pursue profit at the expense of what's best for our customers, employees, and other stakeholders.

First and foremost, instead of viewing our customers as faceless bundles of data to be extracted, bought and sold in a marketplace of advertisers looking to sell you financial products you may not need, we see each of you as part of our community, and we're here to help you achieve your goals.

We believe that you deserve financial wellness tools that truly have your best interests at heart, that adapt to your specific needs, and that grow with you as your needs change.

Our values

A glimpse into our internal company ethos


As a company, we exist to serve all of our stakeholders: our customers, each other as colleagues, the communities we operate in, and the source of all our wealth, planet Earth.

Company growth and profits are byproducts of outstanding service, and by embodying this value, our investors will be happy as well.


We're curious learners. We don’t presume to know everything, but believe that by bringing our perspectives together we will learn something that approaches the truth.

We ask a lot of questions and are endlessly curious about the problems our customers are facing. Only by embodying genuine curiosity can we be of service.


We are radically transparent and honest with each other and with our stakeholders.

We measure how well we are reaching our goals and share our successes and failures without fear. By doing so, we massively increase opportunities for learning, collaboration, and good decision making.


We believe in equity of access to information, resources, and tools, both internally to support each other to do our best work, and externally by making our products available to as wide an audience as possible.
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